• For Inquiries, Call Us Today: 214-550-6560
  • Message Us: contact@igrowmontessori.com
  • 6699 Riverside Dr., Las Colinas, Irving, Texas 75039

iGrow Montessori employs kind, highly trained educators and childcare professionals to ensure that each student receives quality Montessori education. Our students’ safety, learning, and welfare are our top priorities.

Our Classrooms, Curriculum, and Teachers

Our Classrooms

Our bright and clean Montessori classrooms are aesthetically and purposefully designed to provide a calm environment with inspiring materials arranged to meet the developmental needs of your child. The classroom is organized and prepared with specially designed Montessori materials that help a child develop concentration and understanding of concepts in depth and have defined space for each area of the curriculum. The five main areas are Practical life skills, Sensorial activities, Mathematics, Language, and Cultural Studies. Each area is organized with materials on shelves arranged in order – from simple to complex. When you walk into our classroom, you may see a cozy corner for your child to read a book, child-size tables and chairs to work, large rugs for peer interaction, kitchen tools to develop his motor skills, and above all, a large space to move around freely and explore the corners of the classroom and to make him feel at home.

Structure and order are core to our classroom arrangement. Children, even as young as infants, love the sense of order. Children feel secure and safe in an orderly environment, and it helps in building a child’s confidence and developing a positive attitude towards school. Order in the environment means organizing the materials in a certain order. When materials are always kept in the place assigned for them, a child can pick up the material, work with it, and return it in its place. With the independence and freedom to choose his work, a child can repeat an activity and master it. Hence, we give extreme importance to maintaining order in our classrooms.


We follow ‘Montessori Methodology’ combined with ‘Thematic Learning’. New themes are introduced every month. Thematic learning is an instructional form focusing on using a particular theme to teach one or more concepts.
In Montessori curriculum, children learn through presentations given by the teacher using the materials and through observation. All lessons are presented linearly and sequentially, and your child will progress to the next step after mastering the previous activity.

The curriculum at iGrow Montessori emphasizes self-directed activity, hands-on learning, and collaborative play. We believe in and encourage independent learning with age-appropriate activities. It motivates the child and helps them to be resilient in overcoming challenges and to become excellent time managers. Group activities are also a part of our everyday routine. It helps the child to socialize and learn about teamwork, sharing, and compromising with others. Circle time is conducted almost every day. This is a great time for children to gather, learn, and share information. It allows your child to speak up in a group, get motivated to share their thoughts and develop their listening skills. Teachers usually revisit the same theme or materials to a complex level to help the child gain in-depth knowledge on a particular topic. Art and Music are also a part of our curriculum. Children may participate in other extra-curricular activities like ballet, yoga, and soccer.


Our experienced teachers not only have precise knowledge about the materials and guide the children to use them correctly, but they also have the insights to provide the right materials to the child at the right time. As an observer, our teachers watch the children while they work, allow them to learn from their discoveries, and actively engage them in their learning process. Teachers insist that children should be given the freedom to carry out their work in their environment because it helps them to nourish their minds and develop an independent mind, and makes them capable of forming their judgments and making their own choices. The teacher never disturbs a working child because “a touch can make it vanish again, like a soap bubble, and with it goes all the beauty of the moment.” (The Absorbent Mind, Dr. Maria Montessori). As a facilitator, a teacher provides an uninterrupted space for the child to work in the environment as they believe that once a child’s interest is awakened they start concentrating and repeating their exercises and finally master the concepts.